Wednesday, March 23, 2005

sleeping in

For some reason, I can't get over the fact that I get to SLEEP IN right now. I forgot what it was like. In college, I never had early classes, and so I did my fair share of sleeping in. In law school, there were at least some days when I could sleep. But since I started working, they expect you to actually get there by like 9 or even 8. And if you have to get there by 9, you actually have to get up BEFORE 9. I have tested this out a lot of times, isolating the variables, and believe me, it's true. Anyway, then at some point I took up cycling and so I would start riding on Saturday mornings by 8 or 9. Strangely enough, I didn't mind getting up for that. Then on Sundays I go to church (not early, but still not late enough to just sleep until I wake up.) The result has been that I haven't truly slept in for years. To those farmer people and people who commute really far or people who get up really early for some other reason and who think that getting up at 7 IS sleeping in, to you I say, that is sad and I'm glad I'm not you. I also say that soon I will be you, but perhaps let's not dwell on that. Back to sleeping in, I really recommend it. Today I got up at 12 noon. Yesterday my mom brought me breakfast in bed at the ripe hour of 11 a.m. Take that.


Blogger Rob said...

i long for sleeping in.
but i work really hard and long hours and i am a major hero in my own life story so no sleeping in for me, nosirree, i'm up at the crack of, well, 8. actually, i get up at 6:20 to get the kids off to school, then i go back to sleep for an hour or so, then i go to work at my computer, putting bits in the right order so people will buy them. then great is my heroicness as i bring home the proverbial bacon, actually just bacon *strips* since we shop at Safeway and they don't have it in chunks or whatever. but anyway my point is something to do with how great i am, actually i've kind of forgotten my main point but i'm pretty sure my splendidness figured into it somewhere. so, um, hope you're well and we're all fine here. talk to you later.

March 23, 2005 at 11:30 PM  
Blogger Erik said...


March 24, 2005 at 10:04 AM  
Blogger Lois Lane said...

Sleeping in, man it's been years and years. Probably since I was a teenager. I miss those days. Take a couple Zs for me. Right now, my time, 4:45 a.m. on a holiday (Good Friday) I have no reason to be up, no work, school, nothing and I am wide awake. Suddenly I feel like going back to bed. ;)
Lois Lane

March 25, 2005 at 2:46 AM  

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