Leaving My Job! Selling My House! Selling My Car! Moving!
I'm leaving my job and moving! More on that later. (Maybe.) After this week, I have one full week left plus three days at work. CRAZY! I'm excited about moving on. That's why I've hardly posted here, because I've been focused on this stuff. It's strange that I'm going. I'm trying to turn over work duties, projects, etc. and put a bunch of the stuff that's in my head into binders (probably should have done that before), etc. It's stressful, but mostly when I hear people talking about work stuff I'm glad that I don't have to worry about any of it pretty soon. Not that I don't like my job - I do - it's just not what I'm meant to do forever. I am getting clothes together and buying things and giving away other things and doing all manner of things in order to get ready to go. I will be selling my house for a little profit -- which will pay off my law school loans, woohoo! Anyway, that's that for all that right now. And THAT, for the 2.5 people who were wondering, is why I haven't posted anything lately.
Thanks Doc Rocks! Yeah, I am excited, you are excited, I guess we're all excited. I promise I will tell all or some at some point but it will take a little bit of explaining and I've gotta find the time....so consider this a teaser campaign or something like that.
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