Monday, March 21, 2005

mindless pointless stuff I must share

The other day as a result of reading some posts about dentists and dental work and stuff I was thinking that it would be cool if we were like sharks and we got new rows of teeth when the old ones wore out, or just had multiple rows of teeth, or whatever it is that sharks have. Then we wouldn't need the dentist. A whole profession, poof. But actually, would we need him/her even more because we would have more teeth?? I bet that at least we wouldn't need nearly so many dentures and such, and that if a tooth was bad, we would just get it pulled out. And we would only need to get the first row whitened. It's an interesting line of thought that I plan to pursue when I have more time.

Anyway, I finally went to the dentist after no dental care for 2. 5 years, and even 2.5 years ago, my mouth wasn't completely tip-top. So during the x-rays and such I got a little worried about the verdict. Not because I fear dental work, but because I am paying cash for this and also I have limited time. However, for me, a decay-prone individual, I considered the damage minimal: one root canal and three fillings. I've had the root canal and the three fillings already, and now I'm just waiting for my permanent, tooth-colored crown. In the meantime I have a crazy sexy silver crown and I try to smile widely to show it off as often as possible. After I came home from my 9:00 a.m. dentist appointment today, I went back to bed until 12:45 p.m. It is really quite amazing, this no work thing. Only two more weeks, though, so I gotta live it up.


Blogger Lois Lane said...

You aren't alone. I only go to the dentist if I am in excruciating pain. By then it's always too late and yes I know better and all that jazz but man! I tried to bargain with the dentist once. I said, I will keep my hand on your lower body parts, if you hurt me, I'll return the favor. ;)
Lois Lane

March 22, 2005 at 8:20 AM  
Blogger Happy Birthday! said...

Hey now that's an idea I haven't tried. For me, it was that I didn't hvae dental coverage, but I finally just decided to bite the bullet as it were and kick down the cash. As for bargaining: It might be tricky to carry out with my (female) dentist, but I'll consider this. Thanks, LL.

March 23, 2005 at 5:09 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

i think you should leave the tooth silver. or maybe gold.
bling bling, baby.

March 23, 2005 at 11:26 PM  
Blogger Erik said...

your idea about the shark teeth is SO interesting. i beg you to let us know when you've had time to think about that some more.

i don't want to be lois's dentist.

March 24, 2005 at 10:00 AM  

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